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Les Chinois se fient davantage aux prostitué(e)s qu'aux politiciens


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Chinese Trust Prostitutes More Than Politicians, Scientists

In a survey published by Insight China Magazine that queried 3,376 Chinese citizens, more respondents trust prostitutes and sex-workers than politicians or scientists, the BBC reports.

The survey found that 7.9% of respondents considered sex workers to be trustworthy, placing them third behind farmers and religious workers.

Politicians were far down the list, closer to scientists and teachers.

According to an editorial published alongside the survey, prostitutes' popularity over politicians and scientists is indeed surprising; but this latter group is by no means in the least popular category either, which according to the BBC includes real estate developers, secretaries, agents, entertainers and directors.

According to AFP, the next in line behind prostitutes in the survey are soldiers and students.…s_n_251172.html

Edit : relire "les maîtres de l'orge", le tome 4.


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Tiens, ça me fait un point commun avec les Chinois. :icon_up:

Plus sérieusement: les prostituées font un métier utile, et n'embêtent personne. Elles sont donc a priori plus sympathiques et dignes de confiance que bon nombre de politiciens.

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