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Parc à eau et régulation (ou son absence)


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Instead, water parks are overseen on a state-by-state basis, leading to an inconsistent mishmash of rules that leaves much to be desired. Ten states lack overarching management regarding safety inspections, and six states have no regulations at all.

And here’s the kicker: the largest amusement parks in Florida—including those operated by Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld—operate entirely privately and have full control over the extent to which they investigate injuries and fatalities that occur on their grounds. State inspectors aren’t even allowed to set foot on the premises without the park’s consent, even if a fatal accident occurs. While industry executives may debate the value of comprehensive federal regulations, leaving water parks to their own devices creates a worrying lack of accountability that could compromise the safety of visitors.

Waterparks: Is Public Safety Going Down the Tubes?


Amusement park risks nearly impossible to know because of terrifying patchwork of state laws or almost no regulation


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...ou bien c'est qu'il leur semble 'normal' et 'naturel', en bons progs, que ce soit l'administration publique qui gère directement le moindre aspect administratif de n'importe quelle entreprise privée, et que le patron ne s'occupe que de la partie éco. C'est un fantasme inculqué principalement par la presse française, il me semble, et qui a contaminé les US par voie académique.

  • Yea 1
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