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La Vision Moralisatrice D'un Journaliste Du Guardian Sur Le Développement De Lagos - Nigeria

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Voici un article du Guardian sur l'énorme projet privé Eko pour la capitale du Nigeria, Lagos. C'est magnifique! 

New, privatized African city heralds climate apartheid



Nigeria's Eko Atlantic augurs how the super-rich will exploit the crisis of climate change to increase inequality and seal themselves off from its impacts



The real inspiration for Eko Atlantic comes not from these men but the dreamworlds of rampant capitalism, stoked by a successful, thirty year global campaign to claw back gains in social security and unchain corporations from regulation – what we now know as neoliberalism.



La ville de Lagos, c'est aujourd'hui 20 millions d'habitants. Le développement économique de cette ville attire chaque jour plusieurs milliers de personnes (souvent très pauvres). Un libanais né à Lagos a décidé de construire un énorme quartier qui logera 250 000 personnes et fournira plus de 200 000 emplois qualifiés. Ce quartier est construit sur des terres gagnées sur la mer et fera office de barrage contre la mer protégeant ainsi le reste de la ville. Bien sur, il y a de la corruption... Bien sur, il y a d'énormes bidonvilles qui ne cessent de s’agrandir avec l'arrivée de milliers de personnes attirées par le développement économique de la Ville. 


Mais pour le journaliste écolo, construire ce quartier de riches est indécent alors qu'il y a des millions de pauvres dans cette ville. Le seul projet honorable à ses yeux, c'est la construction de cabanes flottantes en matériaux recyclés. C'est bien beau, c'est bien joli mais on estime que la ville va doubler sa population dans les 20 prochaines années...  On fait comment pour loger 20 millions de personnes dans des cabanes flottantes ?


C'est simple, le développement économique de cette ville est une forme d'indécence. Il y a des pauvres, donc, il il faut se contenter de construire des écoles et des maisons flottantes pour qu'il y ai moins d'inégalités... 

Il oublie au passage que la très grande majorité des habitants soutiennent et sont mêmes fiers de ce projet ! 




This is a poorly researched article.
For the writer to draw such inferences,he has to understand Nigeria first,then the challenges.
You can regard Lagos and the SW as a country within Nigeria .
That is a country without the benefit of a border or immigration control.
Even the worst and the most corrupt of governor from that part of the country can be regraded as a saint in Nigerian terms.
Most states in SW put more money into social spending(education ,health,welfare for the handicapped) than the other parts of the country.
Also ,this is the most liberal part of the country.
The result,
Massive in sustenable immigration from other regions, mostly the rural and uneducated poor.
They often come without any useable skills.
Basically,other states and regions simply dump their people in Lagos ,while they feast on free oil money.
This has led to a situation whereby,
Lagos state is actually responsible for more people than she is capable of dealing with.
Lagos is also more responsible than the absolutely corrupt federal government who is only good at stealing .
Lagos needs less ,not more immigrant poor especially when she has to compete for investment with region cities like Accra.
Accra is already taking investment from Lagos for the same reasons you wrote this article.
Eko Atlantic is a private investment with the state chipping in on infrastructure .
It is already creating jobs and would employ 200,000 people on completion.
For a country where money simply disappears ($50 billion recently) ,this is a project to be applauded .
On the poor in Lagos, many of them have family homes in their respective states.they will live a more dignified life if they went back to the farms.
Lagos has always been a capitalist enclave in a socialist SW region of Nigeria .



Dude anyone who opposes this project on the basis of elitism or environmentalism is an enemy of my people. Lagos is the fastest growing city in the world population wise, and is the economic and political capital of the South West of Nigeria. It has a reasonably sized middle class population that has to deal with the madness of an over populated city on a daily basis. There will be more cities built over the next couple of decades across that country (if it survives), and like Abuja in the past and Lagos Atlantic City now, all sorts of 'Africa experts' will castigate in the Western press. You have to wonder exactly what they want


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Sinon, à part pour Hong Kong et Singapour, pourquoi faire des îles artificielles ?


C'est surement plus simple/moins couteux que de racheter des terrains dans la ville et sur la plage, surtout si on s'abstient de recourir aux expropriations (ce qui semble être le cas).

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