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French warplanes have begun to drop hundreds of pianos above Raqqa. President Hollande hopes that residents of the capital of the caliphate will now massively play "Imagine" by John Lennon.

"It is important that we strike the terrorists in the heart," Hollande said during a speech in the French parliament. "If people in Raqqa would all sing 'Imagine', peace will come soon. Through the power of that song, everyone will realize that we as human beings are interconnected and that love always wins."

The pianos have been dropped in a training camp, a munitions depot and a command post of ISIS. Several jihadists have indicated that they may be dreamers, but they are not the only one.

Defence expert Rob de Wijk is critical: "It makes little sense to drop pianos on Syria when the lyrics are not even known in our own neighborhoods. In the outskirts of Paris and the streets of Molenbeek a lot of vulnerable boys walk around and do not get beyond the first verse. Do something about that first, I would say."

Hennis-Plasschaert Minister of Defence is considering air guitars, harps and the Royal Military Band 'Johan Willem Friso' to send to Raqqa. The band does not only play 'Imagine' but also a touching version of "All You Need Is Love '.


source :


Rolf excellent article... J'adore. Merci I think you made my day H16.

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J'ai les droits pour poster en HTML, mais il n'y a que moi et les admins qui ont ce droits.

Dans la prochaine version de l'UI du forum, ce sera mieux.

En attendant, H16, tu sais comment on peut utiliser les balises twitter pour que ca ressemmble a quelque chose?

il faudrait que je regarde, oui
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Ça me rappelle furieusement la petite colombe Cassez que tout le monde estimait innocente en france alors même que son mec a séquestré des mois durant des individus dans une cave.

On a donc:

- un mec qui héberge des gens quelques nuits, pote de pote ou autre et qui lui est forcément coupable

- une pauvre petite française bien comme il faut qui loge des mois durant avec un tortionnaire et des gens dans sa cave, mais elle est innocente...

Quelle hypocrisie de bon aloi

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